CREX (CReate, Enrich, eXtend) is a framework allowing the creation the extension and the enrichment of crowdsourcing datasets such as CrowdED. CREX allows a clustering based tasks selection and the generation of crowdsourcing campaign sites. Code is in Python for the computational parts and in Javascript for the campaign generation tool.
To start using the components of CREX start by downloading the source code here
The code is developped in Python v3.5.2. The following packages are needed:
To install all dependencies at once run the command:
Step 1: Configure - CREXD consists of standalone modules. They can be used together or separately to achieve different clustering, vectorizing, sampling and task selection steps. In order to use one or more module of CREX at a time, the CREXD configuration panel can be used.
Here is a list of the configurable parameters of CREXD:
parameter name | values | description |
preprocess_ | [True/False] | preprocess the data or not, i.e., tokenize/stemm/train the vectorizer models. If False a pre-processed data folder should be given. |
vectorize_ | [True/False] | compute the feature vectors or not, e.g., TFIDF transform. If False a pre-processed data folder should be given. |
cluster_ | [True/False] | run CM or not. |
sample_ | [True/False] | run SM or not. |
evaluate_ | [True/False] | run EM or not. |
distance_metric_ | [euclidean/cosine] | distance metric to be used by CM. |
doc_sample_sizes | [array of size 1]** | e.g. [1000] If a large corpus is used to train the vectorizers, a subsample of this corpus can be vectorized and clustered if needed |
preprocess_tfidf | [True/False] | whether to train the TFIDF vectorizer or not |
preprocess_doc2vec | [True/False] | whether to train the Doc2Vec vectorizer or not |
different_custering_data | [True/False] | whether to use a corpus different from the one used for training the models or not |
n_clustering_processes | [integer] | (range depends on your computer). Number of processes for the parallel execution of the clustering |
n_evaluation_processes | [integer] | (range depends on your computer). Number of processes for the parallel execution of the evaluation |
kmeans_k_ | [array of values/PARI]* | number of cluster for Kmeans. |
minibatch_km_ | [0/INTEGER] | if O minibatch is not used, else minibatch is run with the given batch size |
dbscan_min_points_ | [array of values/PARI]* | the minimum point parameter of DBSCAN |
dbscan_eps_ | [array of values/PARI]* | the EPSILON parameter of DBSCAN |
agg_k_ | [array of values/PARI]* | number of cluster for the agglomerative clustering. |
agg_linkage_ | ['ward', 'complete', 'average'] | the linkage parameter of the agglomerative clustering. |
doc2vec_sizes_ | [array of size 1]** | size of produced Doc2vec vectors |
doc2vec_windows_ | [array of size 1]** | size of used Doc2vec window |
tfidf_vector_sizes_ | [array of size 1]** | size of produced TFIDF vectors |
tfidf_pca_ | [True/False] | whether to use PCA dimension reduction or not |
tfidf_vector_sizes_pca_ | [array of size 1] | size of the PCA vector |
sampling_fitness | [rmse/minmax] | the objective function of the dampling algorithm |
max_sample_size_ | [INTEGER] | size of output sample ("S" in the draft) |
min_samples_per_cluster_ | [INTEGER] | minimum sample size per cluster ("th" in the draft) |
max_sampling_iteration_ | [INTEGER] | maximum number of itterations ("itt" in the draft) |
eva_measures | [array of ('hcv'/'sil'/'coc')] | the evaluation measres to compute by the EM |
eva_vectorizing_models | ['tfidf'/'doc2vec'] | the vectorizing modules to evaluate |
eva_clustering_models | ['kmeans'/'agg'/'dbscan'] | the clustering modules to evaluate |
result_folder | [PATH string] | a path to the output folder |
raw_data_folder | [PATH string] | a path to the input data folder |
preprocessed_location | [PATH string] | a path to the preprocessed data folder |
raw_clustering_data_folder | [PATH string] | a path to the data to cluster if (different_custering_data is True) |
clustering_vectorizing_combs | [array of ('clustModel_vectModel')] | e.g. ['kmeans_tfidf', 'dbscan_doc2vec'] tells the VM and CM what models to train |
parameter name | values |
kmeans_init | ['kmeans++'/'random'] |
kmeans_n_init | INTEGER |
kmeans_n_job | INTEGER |
kmeans_max_iter | INTEGER |
kmeans_verbose | INTEGER |
dbscan_algorithm | ['auto'/'brute'] |
dbscan_leaf_size | None |
dbscan_p | INTEGER |
parameter name | values |
doc2vec_dm | INTEGER |
doc2vec_alpha | FLOAT |
doc2vec_min_alpha | FLOAT |
doc2vec_min_count | INTEGER |
doc2vec_iter | INTEGER |
doc2vec_negative | INTEGER |
Step 2: Run -
The configuration panel allows you to download 2 configuration files :
and more_config. After downloading these file launch the following command in your terminal in order to launch
Step 1: Configure -
CREXC allows to format your raw data csv file to be used by the campaign site.
order to structure these raw data, use the CREXC configuration
panel. It consists of a configuration generation tool that takes the users data description and generate
structured output of them.
Step 2: Run -
The configuration panel allows you to download 2 configuration files :
and more_config. After downloading these file launch the following command in your terminal in order to launch